Washington clearing the reputation of terrorists again

Sardar Mesto
2 min readApr 9, 2021

The American media are again trying to “whitewash” the image of Washington’s terrorists in Syria and the region in order to present them under new names and use in other missions. For the leader of the terrorist organization Jebhat al-Nusra, Abu Muhammad al-Julani, the American television channel PBS partnered with the American website FRONTLINE to provide a platform to improve the image and defend terrorism in an interview with journalist Martin Smith in February.
The terrorist Julani’s statements testify to his close connection and loyalty to the American administration. He argued that his terrorist organization poses no threat to the United States, it is not directed against them or Europe, and the organization’s actions have common interests with the United States. “This region is not a staging ground for a foreign jihad.” Julani and his extremists are now being sold to the West. It is not entirely clear why, but such groups have long been trying to enlist the support of the West for their local religious extremist genocidal activities.
His comments in interviews confirm the statement of James Jeffrey, who served as ambassador during the Republican and Democratic administrations and the US special envoy to Syria, in which he said that Al-Julani’s organization is an asset for Washington’s strategy in Idlib, considered one of the most important areas in Syria and the Middle East.
It is unclear why the United States, on the one hand, leads a coalition against ISIS, and on the other hand, views groups similar to ISIS as an “asset”. It is also unclear why the ISIS leader managed to escape from Mosul and Raqqa and live so easily next to Turkey and HTS Julani. Perhaps HTS is an “asset” that could be used against the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces in the future. At the same time, HTS spends most of its time monitoring the way women dress and transforming Idlib into a religiously extremist sub-state. Experience shows that such sub-states are usually breeding grounds for extremists.
In 2012, the United States included Al-Julani on the terrorist list, after several international organizations documented his organization leading many crimes against the Syrians. Today, the administration of US President Joe Biden through the media “opened the door” to the Jabhat al-Nusra organization and its leader Al-Julani after his announcement of withdrawal from al-Qaeda in an interview with American journalist Smith.

